Journal Publications
- Multi-stage Anti-Windup Compensation for Open-loop Stable Plants,
Solmaz Sajjadi-Kia, Faryar Jabbari,
IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 56(9), 2011.
Refereed Conference Publications
[CA2] Iman Alizadeh, Solmaz Sajjadi-Kia, and Benjamin Villac, (2011), “Low-Thrust Adaptive Guidance Scheme
Accounting for Engine Performance Degradation,” Pro. of AAS/AIAA
Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, AK.
[CA1] Solmaz Sajjadi-Kia, Faryar Jabbari, (2011), “Anti-Windup with Slab-Based Scheduling for Systems with
Bounded Actuators,” Pro. of IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy (invited